Digital Pregnancy Test
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Digital Pregnancy Test
Thep Digital hCG Pregnancy Test measures the presence of the hormone (HCG) in your urine for the early detection of pregnancy. Pregnancy Test results can be seen clearly in the test window (e,g 3 minutes), which will give a clear YES or NO result.
Summary and Explanation:
HCG is produced by the placenta during pregnancy, shortly after the embryo attaches to the uterine lining. Usually hCG can be detected by a home pregnancy test 7-10 days after conception. This test is capable of detecting pregnancy as early as the first day after you miss a period. The further into the pregnancy you are the higher the levels of HCG in your urine. The concentration of HCG in non-pregnant women is normally 5.0mIU/ml. At the time of the last missed menstrual period; urine HCG levels are about 100mlU/ml with peak levels of 100,000 to 200,000mlU/ml seen at the end of the first trimester
What's included?
- 1 x digital Pregnancy Test
What's required, but not included?
- Not Applicable
View the full test instructions here
30 Day Return Policy
Shipped from Canada
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